Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Juniors are back....Wednesday 4th November

Yes we are back tomorrow night.  

We will meet in the committee room just next to toilets in Sports Club. So if the kids come in and wash their hands with the hand sanitiser and make their way into the committee room.

1st session is 6.15pm to 7.15pm for 11 and under

2nd session is 7.30pm to 8.30pm for 12 to 17 year olds.

I have put a message out on our Facebook page.  If you know any Harrier parents please spread the word.

Richard and on behalf of John and Frances

Monday, 26 October 2020



Further to the extension of the 16 day reset into this week by the Scottish Government, the EK Sports Club remains closed.
Therefore another week there will be no training for the juniors. Also there is personal issues effecting our coaching and volunteers which has added another level of difficulty to provide a safe training environment.
So we will wait and see the impact of the Scottish Government's new tier system has on the EK Sports Club and junior Harrier training sessions.
If we can we will try to be back on Wednesday 4th November still at the new times we have been operating, 6.15pm to 7.15pm for 11 and under and 7.30pm to 8.30pm for 12 to 17 year olds.
I will put this on the junior blog and if you know any other Harrier parents please spread the word.
I know its not news people want to hear but I hope you understand as you leave the coaches in charge with the most precious people in your lives. Safety first.
Any further updates I will let you know
Richard and on behalf of John and Frances

Tuesday, 13 October 2020


Please click on link to the Senior Harriers blog post on this event.


Our governing body Scottish Athletics are doing a virtual running event for all age groups starting from under 11s and upwards.  If your son or daughter wanted to do it then let me know as it is club entry only.

So,  your son or daughter will need to join Scottish Athletics as you need a SA number to enter. When joining enter Calderglen Harriers as their club.  If your son or daughter are members already make sure their membership is still in date and not expired. If expired you will need to renew online.  See link to Scottish Athletics membership page....


Please let me know if your son or daughter wish to be entered and let m know either via Facebook or email so I can ask our Event Organiser to enter them.




Since the announcement by the FM last week I was waiting to see if there was any changes to outdoors for the juniors. On the plus there is no change and we can carry on as usual.

However our club house, EK Sports Club, has no income if no one is using the bar or booking the hall and the FM announcement has led to the EK Sports Club being shut for 16 days with a view to re-open on Monday 26th October.
With no EK Sports Club open we don't have a safe indoor place to meet, no toilet facilities and no access to first aid. The external lights of the EK Sports Club are off and so there is an increased level of darkness around the area which we don't feel comfortable with to meet the juniors at start of a session.
So the plan is to be back on Wednesday 28th October still at the new times we have been operating, 6.15pm to 7.15pm for 11 and under and 7.30pm to 8.30pm for 12 to 17 year olds.
I know its not news people want to hear but I hope you understand as you leave the coaches in charge with the most precious people in your lives. Safety first.
Richard and on behalf of John and Frances

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

COVID-19 restrictions update - Facemask/covering mandatory

Our facility operator, East Kilbride Sports Club, has notified us that the wearing of a face mask/covering is mandatory at all times within the club.

It can only be removed if you are sitting at a table in the bar areas.

So when we meet in the gym area prior to Wednesday session you need to wear a mask.


COVID-Coordinator (Calderglen Harriers)

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Return of Club Training procedure: Wednesday 23rd September


I am sure you will be all pleased to hear the Junior Harriers can return to club training with COVID-19 restrictions on Wednesday 23rd September.


Facility changes

  • No access to club hall where we previously met 
  • MASK wearing in the Sports Club is voluntary
    Stage 1: Before you train

    • They have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in last 14 days
    • They have COVID-19 symptoms or are feeling unwell (high temperature, continuous cough, loss or change in taste or smell)
    • They have  been overseas to a country on the quarantine list 
    Stage 2: Check your pack allocation and new training time
    • Young Athletes have been organised into Packs A to E. An email was sent to all parents informing what pack your son or daughter is in and the packs were named on the junior section private Facebook page
    • Training will be every Wednesday only
    • New time and arrangements. 1st session will be 6.15pm to 7.15pm for Pack A and B. Coaches John and Richard
    • New time and arrangements. 2nd session will be 7.30pm to 8.30pm for Packs C, D and E. Coaches John, Richard and Frances
    Stage 3: Arrive for training
    • Parents please drop your son or daughter at front door. This is to ensure social distancing can be maintained in the gym area
    • When arriving please maintain a 2m physical distance from everyone else
    • Hygiene - On entering the Sports Club all Young Athletes please use hand sanitiser situated in the reception area (between toilet doors)
    • Young Athletes - Please meet up with your Coach and pack in the club gym area. Male members enter through Gents toilets and female members through Ladies toilets.  Join your Coach and pack before and during session. Everyone else maintain a 2m physical distance
    Stage 4: Training
    • With your Coach, the leaving order will be once all members of your pack have arrived 
    • Leave a minimum 3 minute gap between packs leaving the Sports Club
    • Packs will exit Sports Club through the fire exit door in the gym
    • Young Athletes aged 11 and under in Pack A and B are not required to physically distance during training sessions
    • Young Athletes aged 12 to 17 in Packs C, D and E must physically distance during training sessions (2m side-by-side and 5 m single file)
    • Stay in your packs at all times
    • Coaches and other adults (parent helpers) must continue to physically distance from Young Athletes
    • Maintain 2m physical distance with other packs when doing all aspects of your training
    Stage 5: Training complete
    • Once training has finished your Coach will bring your son or daughter back to the cricket pitch near the Sports Club building end for you to pick them up. Suggestion stand next to new decking area at back of Sports Club as a meeting point
    • Please maintain a 2m physical distance from everyone
    • Son or daughter hands should be washed and/or sanitised as soon as possible 
    • If you become unwell after training, with COVID-19 symptoms, you should first contact your GP/NHS 24 and then inform Richard Lawton, Calderglen Harriers COVID-19 Coordinator, on any of the following ways. Email: lawtons1@sky.com ; Mob: 07849 231343 

    Further information

    Scottish Government guidance: https://www.gov.scot/coronavirus-covid-19/

    Wednesday, 16 September 2020

    Return of Club Training: Wednesday 23rd September

    Save the date.......Junior Harrier club training returning on Wednesday 23rd September. Between the FB group page, email and the junior blog I will send out more information. Even though we are back as you know with life it now has COVID restrictions so this applies to training. So training will be as follows:

    Every Wednesday only

    1st session will be 6.15pm to 7.15pm which will be for Pack A and Pack B. This is a mixture of u11s & 13s. Coaches will be John and Richard

    2nd session will be 7.30pm to 8.30pm which will be for Packs C, D and E. This is a mixture of u13s/15s/17s. Coaches will be John, Richard and Frances.

    More information will follow.

    Wednesday, 15 July 2020


    As the committee appointed Club COVID-19 Coordinator for Calderglen Harriers I am liaising with Scottish Athletics on the impact of the Scottish Government's Phases has on athletics returning to training as we exit lockdown.

    The focus of Phase 3 just now is returning to training for athletes under 18 years old.

    The rules for training group sizes changed as of Monday 13th July 2020.

    Age 11 and under

    1. Scottish Athletics recommend a maximum group of 8 athletes for athletes aged 11 and under

    2. Children aged 11 years and younger are not required to physically distance, as set out in Scottish Government guidance. This extends to organised sports activity and the field of play.

    3. Coaches and other adults must continue to physically distance as per Scottish Government guidance (2m for time being) at all times.

    Age 12-17 years

    1. Scottish Athletics recommend a maximum group of 10 athletes for athletes aged 12-17 years

    2. For older children aged 12-17 a 'field of play bubble' can be created during organised sports activity that allows contact whilst the activity is taking place, in effect suspending physical distancing guidelines for the duration of the activity.

    3. Normal physical distancing guidelines will however apply before and after the activity takes place

    4. Coaches and other adults must continue to physically distance as per Scottish Government guidance (2m for time being) at all times.

    Following on from this guidance update from Scottish Athletics we will need to look into the juniors returning and work out the details but we will get back to you asap. Please be patient.

    Relevant Links to read

    Phase 3 - https://www.scottishathletics.org.uk/56510-2/

    Phase 1 & 2 - https://www.scottishathletics.org.uk/clubs/club-support/coronavirus/

    I will keep the committee and members up to date of any further changes.


    Wednesday, 25 March 2020


    Lots of changes in the past week so not sure what to do about junior running sessions. So put something together for all and maybe as the weeks go by other coaches could add content if possible. Stay in touch everyone and stay safe.

    Workout Wednesday - Indoor session

    5min warm up: 5 by 5 (in your house)
    Star Jump for 1min
    Squats for 1 min
    Static Sprint for 1min
    Squats for 1 min
    Star Jump for 1min

    Conditioning (in your house) (try 2 sets of these) 
    Press ups , 1 set of 5
    Plank, hold for 1 min with 15 second rest (do 5 of theses)
    Tricep Dips, 1 set of 5
    Sit ups, 1 set of 5
    Double leg squats, 1 set of 5

    Workout Wednesday - Outdoor session

    1. Walking on toes (toe walk)
    2. Walking on heel (heel walk)
    3. Skipping
    4. Walking kicking leg side to side
    5. High knee walking (left arm right leg / right arm left leg) lift you leg to height of hips
    6. Lunges
    7. Side steps
    8. Heel flicks
    9. Jumping straight in air like springs on your feet

    RUNNING (only a suggestion this is not mandatory) 
    Under 11s try a 1-2 mile (about 15 minute steady run) with parent supervision. For under 13s and above try a 3 to 4 mile (about 35-40 minutes) steady solo run.

    Make sure you comply with UK & Scottish Government of 1 form of permitted daily exercise when doing running and social distancing of 2m (6ft). You will need to run solo or with family member(s). Always seek advice from your parents as well. Stay safe.

    Tuesday, 17 March 2020


    Following the briefings by the Scottish & UK Governments on Monday 16th March and the advice & guidance given about avoiding non essential social contact, Calderglen Harriers committee have made the decision to suspend the junior and senior training sessions from Tuesday 17th March.

    Just to be clear there will be no Wednesday or Saturday sessions.

    This will be reviewed again after the school Easter break on 20th April and we will be in touch to parents with a further update at that time.  The welfare of our Athletes, Coaches, Parents and Carers and family members is paramount during this crisis. 

    Further information can be found on the senior blog site which there is a link on the left hand side of this blog and there are links via the club website.

    Best wishes and stay safe

    Richard Lawton
    Junior Coordinator

    Saturday, 14 March 2020


    Strathclyde Park Parkrun 5k #485 - 14/03/20
    Well done to 2 of our junior athletes today

    58th, Eva McGrory, 24.05, 32nd parkrun
    149th, Dexter McArthur, 28.30, 3rd parkrun, Pb by 1 minute

    Link to results:

    Well done to Eva & Dexter for running today which could be the last parkrun in a while. Extra well done for Dexter getting a Pb today.


    Sunday, 1 March 2020


    This blog is used to communicate what is going on in the junior section of Calderglen Harriers.   I will use to promote activities around training and race events.  More importantly if your son or daughter is taking part in any running events such as parkrun, club organised races, mass races or school events and you want to promote participation and healthy lifestyle, then let me know.  Email photos or race report to calderglenharriersjuniors@hotmail.co.uk 

    Next training sesssion is Wednesday 4th March at 6.30pm.


    Wednesday, 12 February 2020


    I have been up to Calderglen to make a risk assessment. So with some of our running routes covered in snow and ice it would not be safe for young athletes to venture out the park.  Also the temperatures will dip to 0c and feel like -4c so running on cricket pitch or golf course will make a very cold session.

    So rest up and have a night off with a hot chocolate, warm blanket and good film. Or doing a mini circuit session in your house running up the stairs multiple times and how fast you can do it or press ups, sit ups, the plank.  The choice is yours....?

    As normal please spread the word please to any other members or parents you know.

    I have put a message on the junior FB page and will send out emails with the hope I will catch everyone.


    Wednesday, 29 January 2020


    High winds and heavy rain forecast we have taken the decision to cancel the session tonight.

    Sorry for short notice and as normal please spread the word. I have put a message on the junior FB page and will send out emails with the hope I will catch most or everyone.


    Sunday, 26 January 2020


    Strathclyde Park Parkrun 5k #478 - 25/01/2020

    192nd, Zoe Hutton, 27.38, 3rd parkrun, Pb by 42 seconds
    193rd, Emma Hutton, 27.39, 3rd parkrun, Pb by 51 seconds

    Well done to Team Hutton for 2 Pb performances and it was only early January I ran with Emma at Strathclyde Park Parkrun when she got first Pb of 2020.  Good signs of early season performance.

    Link to results:


    Wednesday, 8 January 2020


    Just a reminder the club Wednesday training sessions return on Wednesday 15th January. Please be there ready run to by 6.30pm. We want to start more prompt for the New Year.

    Mark will have a Saturday session this week starting at 10am to 11:30am and if you can't make that then Parkrun is the way to go.

    Various 5k Parkruns every Saturday @ 0930 and 2k junior Parkruns for 4 to 14 year olds every Sunday @ 0930.

    If you do Parkrun you need register with them to get your barcode so when you run you get your time recorded.

    Here is a link to the general site but all runs have their own sites to: https://www.parkrun.org.uk/
