Hopefully you are all aware that the Calderglen Harriers are hosting their annual trail race on Friday 27th June 2014 at Calderglen Country Park. There are 2 races for the young athletes; the 1k for athletes born after 01/09/2004 and the 3k for athletes born between 01/09/1998 and 31/08/2004. There are also 5k and 10k races for anyone born before 31/08/1998.The races are open to anyone so as well as encouraging all young athletes to participate, we would also encourage friends and family to join in too. Entry forms can be downloaded from the Calderglen Harriers website or are available at our Wednesday night training sessions. Please note that entry is FREE to all Calderglen Harriers Young Athletes who are fully paid up members.
Prizes are awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place runners (male and female) in the 1k race and there are prizes for the top 3 under 13 runners and under 15 runners in the 3k (male and female).
In addition to these prizes, and in recognition of the hard work put in by each of our young athletes this year, the Young Athletes section will award Sports Direct vouchers to the 1st male and 1st female young Harriers home in the following age categories*:
1k – 1st male and female
3k – 1st under 11 male and female**
1st under 13 male and female
1st under 15 male and female
Good luck everyone!
*To be eligible for the prize, the young athlete must be a registered member of the Calderglen Harriers section on the day of the race.
**this age group is not recognised in the official race prizes although athletes under 11 are eligible for the under 13 prize
Please note that these prizes are not part of the official prizes for the race and are being funded by the club funds raised through our Wednesday night training sessions. Prizes will be given to winners as soon as possible after the results have been scrutinised to ensure there are no errors in prize allocation.
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