Monday, 23 September 2019

SL Super Race Series - Dirty Duo

Colin Girvan, Recreation Officer at Torrance House Golf Course sent me email inviting and raising awareness of South Lanarkshire Leisure's Dirty Duo event on Sunday 29th September in our very own Calderglen Country Park.

There are races from Primary 1 age through to adult.

Ages 5 – 7            200m run – 500m bike – 100m run            £6.00

Age 8                   400m run – 1.6km bike – 400m run           £12.00

Age 9-10              800m run – 1.6km bike – 800m run           £12.00

Age 11-14            800m run – 3.2km bike – 800m run           £12.00

Age 15-16            800m run – 4.8km bike – 800m run           £12.00

Adults (17+)       3.2km run – 8km bike – 3.2km run            £28.00

There is also a team option for the adults where you can team up with a friend or two and choose who runs and who cycles.

Colin advised they can provide bikes for anyone who requires them too.

So if you are interested you enter via the q-buster website and entries close on Saturday 28th September.


Sunday, 1 September 2019


I have put information on the junior Facebook page for winter XC races coming with dates, explanation on age groups and what they are for current new season 2019/20.

If anyone is running any events and wants to do a blog report with photos then let me know. If any athlete does a Parkrun to competitive running event and you want to tell your running community then let me know and we can put it on the blog .

Calderglen Harriers Junior section is open for business.
